GUIDE IR236 IR Fever Warning Systems are non contact suitable for mass fever screening applications in crowded public places, helping to detect people with a potential fever. The Fever Warning System may contain or limit the spread of the virus through identification of infected individuals showing fever symptoms.
Why Chose Guide Sensmart IR Fever Warning System.
Guide have over 20 years’ experience in the field of infrared thermography temperature screening. In 2003, GUIDE supplied the thermal imaging system to help prevent the spread of SARS.
In the past 20 years, based on a large number of practical application cases, we continuously optimize algorithms and upgrade software and hardware to achieve fast and accurate temperature detection.
GUIDE IR Fever Warning Systems are non contact suitable not only at transportation hubs such as airports, railway stations, subway stations, but also hospitals, banks, large factories, office buildings, schools, supermarkets, residential homes, community offices and other public gathering places.
GUIDE IR236 combines advanced technology such as thermography, human body temperature measurement algorithm and AI intelligent face tracking to make the equipment accurate and easy to use.
The IR236 is equipped with various powerful functions.
Multi-target tracking can ensure that no targets are missed.
Custom warning zones and high-temperature shielding settings which avoid interference from other high-temperature objects.
When a high fever is detected, the IR236 Fever Warning System supports automatic warning, tracking and photo taking for storage which is convenient to query and classify by management.
GUIDE IR236 is the ideal equipment for epidemic prevention in public places such as airports, train/bus stations, factories, shopping centres, construction sites, schools, and commercial centers with tracking of up to 500 people per minute.
Higher efficiency on temperature detection, for mass fever screening.
Temperature screening for multiple people at the same time, no need to stop
Real-time temperature monitoring at any point in the field of view.
Safer, temperature screening from up to 8 meters away.
Take the temperature of passengers while they are standing or moving several meters away, avoiding the close contact required by temperature guns and reducing the risk of infection.
Smarter, automatic tracking, warning and photo capturing for storage.
Powered by the AI-enabled face tracking technology, the system can automatically focus on people's face and sound an alarm when a person with a fever is identified, giving the inspectors an effective and efficient tool to deal with densely populated and fast-moving scenarios.
AI algorithm for accurate temperature detection.
In the past 20 years, through constant algorithm optimization coupled with software and hardware upgrades, especially in the field of deep learning based on the neural network, which ensure the fast and accurate temperature detection.
In 2015 Guide IR236 was used in the detection of SARS.
- The System can be completely Stand Alone from any IT Infrastructure as the PC is supplied with the product and Software loaded.
- The System is supplied as a standalone system ready to go with its own PC (network access is optional)
- Installation Packages available.
- Maintenance fee per year depends on final system installation
- List Pricing includes the basic Installation (No Network Connection)
- Work Station is not included in the package (Camera Head, Black Body, PC, Monitor & Camera Mounts,
Contact us for more information on Installation & Pricing.